I _____________________ am of legal age and have been informed of the activities I am willingly participating in under the guidance of Lorrel Elian the sole owner of:
Conscious Body Health
639 Main Street Bruno Sk
I understand that because of my involvement:
- I could experience muscle, back, neck strain if not following the instructions or paying attention
- it's normal to have some sensation of stretched muscles the next day
- bruising is normal and caused usually by not hydrating enough before attempting a new exercise
- other injuries may result
I am aware of my own physical limitations and I am sufficiently self-aware to stop or modify my participation in any way required before I become injured or aggravate a pre-existing injury.
It's always advisable to consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.
Before performing any exercise program remember to think about your current level of physical health and whether you are able to participate in exercise.
Please advise your teacher of any concerns before the beginning of class or send a confidential email listing your concerns and comments.
Please inform your teacher of any health conditions or medications that could impair your experience
I release Lorrel Elian of Conscious Body Health of any responsibility due to loss of property, injury or harm.
Participants Agree to:
- respect the rules of the property and to not cause damage
- No alcohol or drugs, herbal or otherwise used or brought onto the property
- No Smoking on property
- Respecting the other participants and their right to enjoyment
- inappropriate behaviour, swearing or threats may result in suspension of services being provided and expulsion from property.
My signature indicates I have read all the conditions and waiver of rights and I accept the terms.
Signed on this date__________________________
My signature. _______________________________Print ______________________________________
Lorrel Elian's Signature_______________________